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5 After World War II 長崎警察署襲撃事件(ながさきけいさつしょしゅうげきじけん)Nagasaki police station raid case

Police raid case by Koreans and Chinese in Japan that occurred in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture on May 13, 1946.
In the Nagasaki Free Market in Nishihama-Cho, Nagasaki City, there was a black-market good that violates the Price Control Ordinance.
At the same time, violent acts were also frequent.
The Nagasaki Prefectural Police Department has decided to control these incidents and has been preparing for an arrest.
At 10:30 am on May 13, 1946, 280 police forces began to control all at once.
They arrested 150 Japanese, 26 Korean and 6 Chinese, and took them to the Nagasaki Police Station.
Soon after, the Korean Federation of Japanese and Chinese groups attacked the Nagasaki police station and demanded the immediate release of the suspect, but the chief refused to release it before the adjustment.
At around 2:30 pm, a total of about 200 Koreans, Chinese, etc.  attacked the Nagasaki police station with bads and iron bars.
As a result, one police officer died and 10 were seriously injured.
After that, they attacked the Higashihama Town dispatch station and the port town dispatch station, assaulting police officers.



11 After World War II 阪神教育事件(はんしんきょういくじけん)The Hanshin Education Incident

阪神教育事件 (はんしんきょういくじけん) The Hanshin Education Incident GHQの指令を受けた日本政府が「朝鮮人学校閉鎖令」を発令した。 The Japanese government, which has received the GHQ directive, has issued a "Korean School Closure Order". 日本全国の朝鮮人学校を閉鎖しようとした事に対して、1948年(昭和23年)4月14日から4月26日にかけて大阪府と兵庫県で発生した 在日韓国・朝鮮人と日本共産党による暴動 あるいはテロ事件。 In response to trying to close Korean schools all over Japan, Koreans in Japan and the Japanese Communist Party occurred a riot or terrorism in Osaka and Hyogo prefectures from April 14 to April 26 in 1948.   民族教育闘争という見方もある。 There is also a view of ethnic education struggle. 日本国憲法下で唯一の非常事態宣言が布告された。 Only one declaration of a state of emergency was declared under the Constitution of Japan. 朝鮮人学校事件、大阪での事件は大阪朝鮮人騒擾事件、また神戸での騒乱事件は神戸朝鮮人学校事件とも呼ばれる The Korean school case and the Osaka case are also referred to as the Osaka Korean affair case, and the Kobe case for a disturbance case is also called a Kobe Korean school case. この事件の呼称は以下のように様々なものがある。 There are various designations of this case a...

table of contents

After the Great Kanto earthquake    Oani village Incident Ikuta Police station Attack Incident Naoetsu Station Lynch murder Incident Tomisaka police station raid Incident Nagasaki police station raid Incident In front of the Toyama station police box attack Incident Sakamachi Incident Niigata Nippo company raid Incident Prime Minister's Office Demonstration Incident Obanazawa faction raid attack Incident The Hanshin Education Incident Hyojogawara Incident Ube Incident Masuda Incident Edagawa Incident Takada Dubrok Incident Hongou Incident Shimonoseki incident Taitou Hall Incident Turajima Town Incident Nagata Ward office attack Incident Yokkaichi Incident Ouji Korean School Incident Kanagawa Incident Hino Incident Shimozato village office group threat Incident Fukuoka Incident Higashinari police station tear gas throwing Incident Handa Ichinomiya Incident Attack on a munitions manufacturing plant Incident Kizukurichiku police station attack...

1923 after the Great Kanto Earthquake

Shonai Shinpou (extra edition) September 3rd 1 Riotous Koreans are expanding more and more. Clash with the army in the area of Oji and Yokohama. Kaetu Shimpo September 3, 12 Taisho 1 Socialist and Korean group Sprinkle the poison in the waterworks. An army of vigilance, discover and fire. 2 300 prisoners jailbreak violence with Koreans. 3 400 riotous Koreans arrested. Bombs were also seized. Otaru Shimbun extra September 12, 12 Taisho 1 Riotous Koreans arson everywhere. Taking oil cans and bombs. The Shin-Aichi Shimbun September 4, 12 Taisho 1 The battle started with 1,000 riotous Koreans in Yokohama. Destroy 1 infantry unit? Furthermore, dispatched one company from Aso Regiment. 2 Korean Conspiracy Koreans arson by taking advantage of the earthquake. 3,000 Koreans do behind-the-scenes maneuvering in Tokyo. The arrest is extremely difficult. 3 Attack the power plant Korean group ...