- After the Great Kanto earthquake
- Oani village Incident
- Ikuta Police station Attack Incident
- Naoetsu Station Lynch murder Incident
- Tomisaka police station raid Incident
- Nagasaki police station raid Incident
- In front of the Toyama station police box attack Incident
- Sakamachi Incident
- Niigata Nippo company raid Incident
- Prime Minister's Office Demonstration Incident
- Obanazawa faction raid attack Incident
- The Hanshin Education Incident
- Hyojogawara Incident
- Ube Incident
- Masuda Incident
- Edagawa Incident
- Takada Dubrok Incident
- Hongou Incident
- Shimonoseki incident
- Taitou Hall Incident
- Turajima Town Incident
- Nagata Ward office attack Incident
- Yokkaichi Incident
- Ouji Korean School Incident
- Kanagawa Incident
- Hino Incident
- Shimozato village office group threat Incident
- Fukuoka Incident
- Higashinari police station tear gas throwing Incident
- Handa Ichinomiya Incident
- Attack on a munitions manufacturing plant Incident
- Kizukurichiku police station attack Incident
- Himeji Incident
- Yasaka Shrine Incident
- Uji Incident
- Tanagawa Town Incident
- Tagawa Incident
- Blood May Day Incident
- Okayama Incident
- Kamikoori County Incident
- The Omura Detention House Incident
- Takada Incident
- Hiroshima District Court suspect recapture Incident
- Nara police officer raid Incident
- Banrai Town Incident
阪神教育事件 (はんしんきょういくじけん) The Hanshin Education Incident GHQの指令を受けた日本政府が「朝鮮人学校閉鎖令」を発令した。 The Japanese government, which has received the GHQ directive, has issued a "Korean School Closure Order". 日本全国の朝鮮人学校を閉鎖しようとした事に対して、1948年(昭和23年)4月14日から4月26日にかけて大阪府と兵庫県で発生した 在日韓国・朝鮮人と日本共産党による暴動 あるいはテロ事件。 In response to trying to close Korean schools all over Japan, Koreans in Japan and the Japanese Communist Party occurred a riot or terrorism in Osaka and Hyogo prefectures from April 14 to April 26 in 1948. 民族教育闘争という見方もある。 There is also a view of ethnic education struggle. 日本国憲法下で唯一の非常事態宣言が布告された。 Only one declaration of a state of emergency was declared under the Constitution of Japan. 朝鮮人学校事件、大阪での事件は大阪朝鮮人騒擾事件、また神戸での騒乱事件は神戸朝鮮人学校事件とも呼ばれる The Korean school case and the Osaka case are also referred to as the Osaka Korean affair case, and the Kobe case for a disturbance case is also called a Kobe Korean school case. この事件の呼称は以下のように様々なものがある。 There are various designations of this case a...